Isamu Noguchi Cyclone Table Rocking Stool Set for Knoll International Expo 1958
This set is a real piece of contemporary history of Mid Century Design and was exhibited with other objects by Isamu Noguchi in the pavilion of the USA at the World’s Fair in Brussels 1958. Isamu Noguchi designed the Cyclone table and the Rocking stools in 1955 and the table was made in white laminated plywood and black lacquered steel rods on a solid teak pedestral and the rocking stools were made with in solid teak top and chrome-plated steel rods. On one stool the original World’s Fair sticker is still visible, on the other stool smaller remnants of the sticker are still visible. Also the table is marked with a black pen under the table top and one stool with „Table Nogushi Knoll. U.S.A Made.Expo 1958 Pavillon des U.S.A” and one stool is also marked „Tabouret; Nogushi Knoll-U.S.A.Made. Expo. 1958 Pavillon des. USA.“
Litature: Steven & Linda Rouland, 1938-1960 Knoll Furniture, Atglen USA 1999, S. 66. And S. 116
42 H x 36 D cm Stools
50 H x 60 D cm Table